Both by(Month vs Month) & (Year vs Year)- Niagara Region.
You will notice (Month vs Month) has SLIGHTLY DECREASED (.7%) in price, however Year vs Year there is a (.8%) DECREASE in SALE PRICE. UNIT SALES are DOWN (month over month) by (6.6%) & UP (year over year) by 5.1% & New Listings INCREASED by 22% (year over year) & DOWN (11%) (month over month), NEW LISTINGS are still outpacing MONTHLY SALES by a large margin by over ( 3 to 1 margin )heading into the last month of 2023 . As a result, it may put more pressure on lower home prices here in Niagara. Great time if you are a buyer as there are deals out there heading into the New Year. Lastly, BANK OF CANADA held their rate as anticipated DECEMBER 6TH and we are seeing Bank Rates start to come down slightly.